Preferred Commercial Building Inspectors
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Commercial Real Estate Blog

Expert Advice on Commercial Inspections

Skip Home Inspectors for Commercial Building Inspections

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Why avoid home inspectors when it comes to the commercial real estate inspection process?

When we first launched our own home inspection company years ago we would have been a bit offended by anyone advising a buyer to pass us over when it came to commercial inspections. Have you ever heard the phrase, “you don’t know what you don’t know?” Well, that was us, and in the infancy of our home inspection company (which is thriving today!) we discovered very quickly that we were underqualified to take on the major commercial building inspection projects. Years later we are giving that same advice to protect buyers, investors, and lessees of commercial properties, “don’t risk your investment on a general home inspector.”

What’s the difference between a general home inspector and a certified commercial inspector?

Home inspectors are required to take a state exam that highlights the structure of a residential home and all its systems, plus standards of compliance, and scope of practice. Most state exams do not touch on commercial properties, whatsoever.

So here’s the ugly, naked truth. States do not have any regulations when it comes to commercial real estate inspections. It’s kind of like the Wild West. Any general home inspector can market themself as a commercial inspector, no legislation exists requiring that a home inspector obtain further education before marketing themself as such. For the consumer, this is dangerous territory! After all, the objective of a commercial inspection is to provide technical knowledge during the real estate inspection process that will help to protect a consumer’s investment venture. A general home inspector may not be qualified to examine commercial-grade systems for deficiencies, and may, therefore, put the entire investment at risk.

InterNachi, the leader in residential inspection training and education has this to say…

Just Google “commercial building inspections,” and what you’ll find is a small number of inspection companies across North America who perform commercial inspections in addition to residential inspection. Look through their sites, and you’ll find that most approach commercial inspection they way they would a home inspection… the language they use is based on residential inspection… their websites look like those of residential home inspectors… and 95% of them have a "residential inspection" mindset. (Source)

What makes Focus Building Inspection qualified for your commercial real estate inspections?

Our inspectors hold certification with CCPIA, an accredited commercial inspection education, and training program. CCPIA (Commercial Property Inspectors Association) is the most reputable commercial inspection training program in the United States. Focus Building Inspections is one of only two CCPIA Certified Commercial Inspectors within 200 miles of Tulsa, OK. Further, our inspectors have a working knowledge of codes and standards set forth by governing bodies that regulate and enforce safety standards. To find out more about how to get a quote for your commercial property inspection navigate to our Request and Inspection Form.